CadPro Solutions

CadProWIMSW - Weighing in Motion System

he thong can dong toc do cao



The CadProWIMSW Vehicle Load Control Software System – Weighing in Motion System is a flexible system, easily compatible with international standard hardware. CadProWIMSW is easily customized for different weighing systems: Low-speed load weighing system; High-speed load weighing system; High-speed load weighing system combined with low-speed scales.

CadProWIMSW allows connection and management of vehicle load inspection data when passing through the weighing station:

 (1)        Monitoring the number of vehicles passing through the load scale        

- Display real-time images of vehicles passing through the vehicle identification system and surveillance cameras (photos of the front license plate and the lane when the vehicle passes through the weighing station; photos of the rear license plate for comparison with the previous license plate).

 - Detailed information of the vehicle (time, lane, license plate, load, speed ...).

 - Vehicle turn information.

 - View the weight weighing results.

 - Display the weight data.

 (2)        Search/filter data

- Look up inspection data to compare the registered load level and axle load.

 - Warning of overload violations.

- Export weighing slips.

(3)        Statistical reports

 - Report on vehicles violating the permitted load of bridges and roads.

- Report on vehicles transporting goods exceeding the permitted weight of the goods.

- Export statistical data into report forms according to settings.

- Integrate data for shared use between the toll collection system and the vehicle load control system; Display information online to detect and handle violations.


CadProWIMSW uses the open-source Linux operating system, MySQL database and Web interface to provide features such as monitoring, statistics, control and system setup. Information, data, statistical results are displayed online and are always accessible even with mobile devices with internet connection.


For more detailed information about the solution, please contact us for the best advice!

Software - Automation - Control Joint Stock Company (CadPro)

Address: No. 11 Chau Long - Ba Dinh – Hanoi

 Email:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Landslide and flood early warning system based on IoT and WSN technology


Landslide and flood early warning system is an integrated solution of advanced technology based on the Industrial Revolution 4.0 platform, including IoT on-site sensors automatically monitor and record parameters that cause landslides and flash floods such as: slope displacement, hydrological and physical properties in soil, as well as precipitation using various tools. Measuring machines: rain gauge; extensometer, inclinometer, rotameter, total station, laser scanner and acoustic emission sensor (AE) and GPS to observe slope displacement and deformation. Time-do- main reflectometer (TDRs), strain gauges and barometers for mea­suring changes in the hydrological and physical properties of soil.


sat lo dat 1


Sensors, alarms and on-site data processing nodes that communicate over a low-energy wide area network (LPWAN) are the main components of the system for early warning landslides and flash floods. This network allows very low energy devices to transmit radio information at very long distances, the ground point to point can reach tens of kilometers, and if a balloon is used as a relay station, the information can be transmitted as far as hundreds of kilometers.

In residential areas located in an accident-prone area, incident sensors are installed that automatically send out warning signals when they are buried or collapsed. This system sends a signal to emergency rescue units that occur immediately after an accident so that the response time is fastest, and the loss of life is minimized.

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Equipment for measuring slope displacement (SMS): including AE sensor, satellite positioning device with 2.5cm accuracy, pore water pressure sensor; LPWAN transmitters (low power wide area network), renewable power source. On-site data processing node: collect data from measuring equipment, signal threshold processing, alarm trigger and transmission of information to the Internet. Alarm equipment (ALARM) in residential areas: sirens, lights in each residential area, radio receiver. Central operating system record information from networks of sensors, apply numerical and AI prediction model to evaluated data history, gives early warnings on areas requiring special monitoring (incorporates rain forecast data), wide area network information via Internet, text message, telephone, Direct information on site status with  disaster forecasting, disaster prevention, rescue local agencies, installation just plug in without drilling), operate commissioning (auto threshold detection, remote monitoring center connection), ultra-low power consumption from solar cells.


Mud flood measuring equipment installed on stream bed (AES): AE sensor, water level sensor; flow speed and volume sensors; LPWAN transmitters, renewable power sources. The slope displacement meter (SMS) is installed on a slope where there is a possibility of a landslide. On-site sensors are de­signed to be installed without drilling. Energy-saving ultra infrared image Al analyzer. On-site data processing node and rain gauge. Artificial intelligence and cloud-based real time analysis with fast notifications. Residential alarm device (ALARM). Central operating system sends public notifications about possibilities of landslide, flush via text messages, phone, live information of field status with disaster forecasting, disaster prevention, rescue, local agencies.


Flood measuring equipment (AES) is installed upriver. Alarm device (ALARM) at the spillway underground (+ on-site data processing node + rain gauge). Installation (in the small rock pool upstream), operation (automatic threshold detection, remote monitoring center connection), ultra-low power consumption from solar cells. Using low energy wide area network (LPWAN) technology, connecting information systems with integrated disaster rescue and prevention. This is the research result of the state-level project VT-CN.04/17-20 that has been accepted "Research on technology access using balloons dropped in the stratosphere with integrated technology of information transceiver station for monitoring, navigation, search and rescue and mea­surement of atmospheric physical environmental parameters”.


 For more detailed information about the solution, please contact us for the best advice!

 Software - Automation - Control Joint Stock Company (CadPro)

Address: No. 11 Chau Long - Ba Dinh - Hanoi


 Email:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Smart forest fire early warning and monitoring system

The forest fire early warning and monitoring system deployed by CadPro uses modern Internet of Things (IoT) technology with low power wide area transmission (LPWAN), centralized information management on GIS maps to effectively support the prevention and reduction of damage caused by forest fires


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Overall system modelanh 2

System physical architecture model

Smart forest fire early warning and monitoring devices are divided into the following main layers:

- On-site equipment layer: Including smart optical monitoring sensors Zoom 36X (PTZ), Wifi signal transmission device integrated with LPWAN, Industrial 3G/4G communication equipment, Renewable energy system for smart optical monitoring sensors, Gas monitoring sensors, Renewable energy system for gas monitoring sensors.

- Data transmission network layer: Using low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) ensures industrial, reliable, high bandwidth and wide geographical coverage.

- Database service layer and central processing (server room): Central equipment and software system provides high availability database, strong computing and service capacity, scalability and unlimited number of data mining sources (operational stations at the center, data mining points on wide area network, system status notification for field operators and participation in forest protection monitoring...).

- User exploitation and control layer: Forest fire monitoring and early warning system provides user interfaces for monitoring and control needs in the monitoring room or via the Internet.

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Software Interface of Smart Forest Fire Monitoring and Warning System

Advantages of the Smart Forest Fire Early Monitoring and Warning System deployed by CadPro:

  • The system is designed and built on the basis of applying advanced technologies in the world in the field of smart forest fire early monitoring and warning.
  • Reduces the time to detect fires and coordinate firefighting forces.
  • Automatically detects, monitors day and night, protects 24/7.
  • Provides real-time weather data and images.
  • Artificial intelligence software automatically analyzes images, searches for and detects smoke and fire areas, provides high-resolution images to send to the regional forest fire monitoring command center.
  • The monitoring software operates on the Web-GIS platform, has the ability to set up forest fire notifications via text messages, emails, and warnings on maps with sound and images.
  • Easy to use, warranty, maintain and service.

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Actual installation image of Smart Forest fire early monitoring and warning system 


Forest rangers monitor the forest via camera system

The forest fire warning system operates 24/24 hours and transmits images to a large screen located at the Forest Protection Department or via smartphones and tablets of each ranger with internet connection. When a forest fire is detected, the location and type of forest are determined, and the mobilization of forces to participate in firefighting is carried out quickly and effectively.

 For more detailed information about the solution, please contact us for the best advice!

 Software - Automation - Control Joint Stock Company (CadPro)

 Address: No. 11 Chau Long - Ba Dinh – Hanoi

 Email:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



CadPro Smart Vehicle Counting Solution

The intelligent monitoring system integrated with artificial intelligence CPR_SCM has been deployed to count vehicle traffic on Hanoi Ring Road 3.

The Hanoi People's Committee issued Decision No. 1774/QD-UBND dated April 29, 2020 on the urgent repair of the bridge bearing misalignment incident at the T50 and T91 pillars of the elevated Ring Road 3 (VĐ3TC). To implement the above decision, the Hanoi Department of Transport has organized vehicle counting to determine the traffic volume on VD3TC from Cau Dau to Mai Dich Bridge and vice versa.

To count vehicles, the Traffic Works Maintenance Board has used 2 technologies: 

  • Counting vehicles using air tubes (originating from the US).
  • Counting vehicles using the intelligent monitoring system integrated with artificial intelligence CPR_SCM manufactured by CadPro


Although the pneumatic tube technology automatically counts the axles that run through the tube, due to the installation on the road surface, there is a possibility of causing traffic incidents/accidents due to the tube bursting, so the system is still operated manually, requiring a person on duty, a deceleration sign, and warnings from the vehicle counting station.

Unlike the pneumatic tube technology, which only counts the turns of the tire running on the rubber tube, cannot distinguish the type of vehicle, and counts incorrectly when the vehicle travels parallel on 2 lanes with a strip of tube installed or between 2 lanes. In crowded cases such as VD3 during rush hour, 3-axle and 4-axle vehicles can be counted together. CPR_SCM technology uses an embedded computer with an integrated camera and artificial intelligence software to identify vehicles and count vehicles through camera images with high accuracy, automatically classifying vehicles by size and shape. With just 1 device, it is possible to accurately count vehicles traveling in different lanes, separate the traffic volume of each lane, count by vehicle type, vehicle size, and speed. With advanced requirements, the system also provides license plate numbers for each vehicle.


Image of the vehicle counting system software on the elevated road on the 3rd Ring Road. CPR_SCM technology does not require installation of equipment on the road surface, does not affect traffic safety, and is automatic 24/7

           Live video recording of the vehicle counting system on the elevated road on the 3rd Ring Road


  • All information on vehicle traffic volume, vehicle flow speed, etc. are automatically collected in real time.
  • Traffic flow statistics reports for analysis, evaluation, traffic coordination, and traffic condition improvement processes.
  • Intelligent image analysis to detect movement and speed of movement.
  • Direct monitoring, recording, and storing images of traffic incident scenes or dangerous traffic conflicts.
  • Collect and process images simultaneously from multiple cameras to analyze traffic data, and at the same time issue warnings about traffic incidents and events, providing traffic information to the ITS Center for timely handling.


                                          Intelligent image analysis feature


Modern smart city monitoring technology CPR-SCM 4 in 1:

  • AF camera for day and night surveillance, automatic patrol, image data collection, analysis, warning.
  • Powerful embedded computer, AI software for object recognition, security assistance, traffic statistics.
  •    Urban environmental air quality sensor.
  • VoIP communication allows people to exchange incident and accident notifications with the command center.

Following the strategy of "proactively participating in the 4.0 Revolution", CPR-SCM is the latest generation of "smart city monitoring eye" devices that provide a variety of information covering a wide area and details about security, safety, observation and data analysis on a single device according to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) model connecting the Internet of Things (IoT).

Integrating a large optical zoom lens, Sony IMX super-sensitive image sensor, industrial computer with high-speed multi-core CPU and GPU, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology for intelligent image processing, environmental sensors for gas, noise, and patrolling pan and tilt controllers. Not only is it an IP camera that provides excellent image quality with super low latency of up to 200ms, CPR-SCM also automatically processes images with Artificial Intelligence software, identifying, detecting and warning of violations of traffic safety and social security.

CPR-SCM is equipped with intelligent features, moving between preset locations, analyzing images, automatically zooming in, recognizing objects, evaluating events and issuing corresponding warnings: exceeding density thresholds (traffic jams, large crowds, security warnings); abnormal movement speed (illegal parking, picking up and dropping off passengers in the wrong place, intrusion events...).

In addition to the features of a smart camera, CPR-SCM also provides two-way IP audio communication for voice communication between the scene and the center, air quality measurement information at the camera location such as PM2.5/PM10 index, air quality, temperature, humidity, pressure in real time. With a distributed processing architecture, the CPR-SCM system minimizes bandwidth requirements connecting to the center, is reliable and ready to work 24/7 without creating network congestion, reducing storage and server investment costs.

Data from CPR-SCM integrates images, sounds, events of identified objects (license plates, vehicles), vehicle routes, historical events of traffic safety violations, security events, congestion, etc. displayed on a digital map with coordinates, time, etc., convenient for exploiting modern smart city planning and management.

CPR-SCM provides many extremely powerful customization options for features suitable for the harshest outdoor environments and climates, flexible in installation configuration and requirements for monitoring and processing functions for security monitoring and control of smart cities, roads as well as airports, ports, warehouses, etc.

CPR-SCM is the first image monitoring device capable of automatically determining vehicle route coordinates on a digital map. Events and routes are easily queried by timeline and geographic location.

For more detailed information about the solution, please contact us for the best advice!

Software - Automation - Control Joint Stock Company (CadPro)

Address: No. 11 Chau Long - Ba Dinh – Hanoi

Email:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Real-time traffic signal control solution

 The real-time traffic control system is researched, designed and manufactured by CadPro Company based on the new generation Smart City Monitoring System platform, using data collected in real time to automatically adjust traffic signals to optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion and improve the environment.

  •     AI technology controls smart signals according to traffic volume

A new algorithm combines embedded computing technology, industrial computers at the node with the ability to work 24/7 with high reliability, measuring traffic volume in each direction/traffic flow, adjusting the most complex intersections in real time.

In Hanoi: Tran Phu- Dien Bien Phu (4 integrated phases), Nguyen Thai Hoc-Ton Duc Thang, Nguyen Thai Hoc-Le Duan, Cua Nam- Dien Bien Phu, Lo Duc - Nguyen Cong Tru, Nguyen Thai Hoc - Ton Duc Thang - Chu Van An, Giai Phong - Phap Van - Hoang Liet...

In Da Nang: Nui Thanh - Phan Dang Luu, Le Duan - Hoang Hoa Tham, Ham Nghi - Nguyen Van Linh, 

                                           LHP00663 1


Smart city monitoring equipment manufactured by CadPro


                        Centralized control software for THGT headlight control

Dien Bien Phu - Tran Phu intersection is currently applying AI technology to control smart signals according to traffic volume


After a pilot period at the Nui Thanh - Phan Dang Luu intersection since February 2020, the traffic light operating cycle has been reduced from 85 seconds to 46 seconds, the waiting time for the red light in each direction has been reduced from 15-20, equivalent to a 50% reduction in the waiting time for traffic lights for traffic participants. During rush hour, the signal control strategy will automatically adjust according to the average traffic flow in real-time. In addition, statistics from the environmental monitoring system show that the number of emissions into the environment due to vehicles stopping and waiting for the THGT light has also decreased by more than 50%.

 Developing smart traffic monitoring systems that have been widely deployed in Da Nang and Hanoi, CadPro Company has researched and integrated powerful graphics processing computers with smart traffic cameras to create a multi-utility smart city monitoring device with the following functions:

 ü  Observe and collect traffic information, urban security and order;

 ü  Sensors collect environmental data on air quality: temperature, humidity, pressure, dust, measure flood water levels to provide data for the future urban flood forecasting system...

 ü  Use artificial intelligence (AI) technology to analyze data on the scene, control traffic signals in real time, ensure reliability regardless of the connection line to the control center;

 ü  Ability to combine in the system to detect, record, handle traffic violations, recognize license plates to ensure urban traffic safety;

 ü  Identify people, motorbikes, small cars, large cars, buses;

 ü  Measure traffic flow in all directions according to vehicle classification;

 ü  Automatically control traffic lights according to real-time traffic flow, minimizing waiting time for traffic lights for traffic participants at all times of the day;

 ü  Communicate information to people and the control center online.

 The new device is a product designed on the basis of Internet of Things technology, automatically collecting data, processing information without using the Center's computing resources, providing shared data upon request from users (Traffic Control Monitoring Center, City Traffic Police Department, Department of Natural Resources and Environment...). The device is a replacement for previous violation handling cameras and data processing center investments with a series of outstanding features.

 System components:

 ü  Smart city monitoring device (monitoring two traffic flows through the intersection);

 ü  Smart traffic signal controller (placed in the existing traffic signal control cabinet);

 ü  Urban air environment monitoring sensor (including measuring parameters: temperature, humidity, PM10 dust, PM2.5 fine dust, CO, CO2, GAS, AQI index according to standards).

 Benefits of the solution:

 ü  Traffic signal control strategy for most of the day reduces the current light cycle by 25% to 50% during normal hours. During low traffic periods, the minimum light phase will automatically return to the national standard of 15 seconds of green light, and nearly 20 seconds of red light.

 ü  During peak hours, the signal control strategy will automatically adjust according to the average traffic volume of real-time traffic directions. During the traffic light phase, the direction with high traffic volume will automatically have its green light time extended optimally.

 ü  City traffic will be more convenient, traffic participants' time will be reduced, leading to great socio-economic efficiency for the city, improving people's health, reducing emissions to the environment due to vehicles stopping and waiting for traffic lights.

 ü  Real-time traffic information such as violations, congestion, images, temperature, air quality are displayed in real time on the GIS digital map software currently in use. Create a network to collect data on rain, floods, urban air environment changes, build a Big Data Base to forecast traffic fluctuations, urban floods, adapt to climate change, build smart cities, help authorities to optimally orient, plan, divide traffic flows and reduce traffic load.

  •  Connecting road traffic signals with railways to ensure traffic safety

In Hanoi, there are dozens of road routes connecting at the same level with railways; in which, at the level crossings where traffic is organized by traffic lights, the road traffic light signal system and the railway signal system at the level crossing operate independently (not connected), thus posing a potential risk of traffic insecurity and local traffic congestion every time a train passes, especially during rush hour.

 CPR_STS - Smart Traffic Signaling Solution: Controlling traffic signals connecting railway signals


 Traffic chaos occurred at the Phap Van – Hoang Liet – Giai Phong intersection after the train passed, the intersection is at the same level as the railway

The CPR_STS - Smart Traffic Signalling solution helps connect road signals with railway crossings and automatically controls signals to relieve local congestion after the train passes the crossing

Cameras with traffic light monitoring equipment and continuous automatic traffic measurement.


The solution uses an artificial intelligence complex (smart traffic monitoring equipment) including an image sensor integrated with LIDAR to count vehicles and a computer on site with embedded software to analyze traffic flow in all directions, optimizing strategies/lengths of light phases according to the status of the train arriving (closing the barrier)/when the train passes (opening the barrier), according to real-time traffic flow, normal (when the crossing is not closed) and abnormal (during the time the train arrives (closing the barrier) and the time the train passes the crossing).

 System components:

 ü  Traffic measurement equipment from all directions to determine the length of the green phase for each direction when the train arrives/passes, optimally clearing the queue of vehicles stopped when the train passes the crossing.

 ü  The device stores and processes vehicle counting data in all directions synchronously to calculate the optimal signal strategy during train arrival (blocking) as well as in normal node operation state. The traffic measurement data from the newly installed device is combined with image processing from existing cameras to calculate and build an optimal signal strategy in real time.

 ü  Replace the existing countdown light system (operating principle: record the power supply time of the previous cycle as the basis for operation; when changing the countdown light cycle, it often fails for 1-2 cycles before the light operates stably) with a countdown light system that can display the control status in real time, without errors when changing the cycle (Countdown light synchronized with real time).

 ü  Upgrade the THGT Control Cabinet connecting road - railway signals, update the control software to suit the new control plan.


Level crossing on Giai Phong - Hoang Liet road, organizing 3-phase signals at the intersection

 Benefits of the solution:

 ü  Optimally adjust the road traffic signal control strategy to ensure maximum road traffic during the train's arrival and after the train passes in one or more road directions near the intersection.

 ü  Ensure highly reliable, independent intelligent traffic control right at the scene and ready to share and connect signals to the Traffic Control Center - Hanoi City Police.

üAutomatically analyze traffic flow, adjust the length of signal phases according to the flow of each independent vehicle line in real time.


 For more detailed information about the solution, please contact us for the best advice!

Software - Automation - Control Joint Stock Company (CadPro)

Address: No. 11 Chau Long - Ba Dinh – Hanoi

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



CadPro is the first company in Vietnam introducing ETC systems using RFID ISO 18000-6C (EPC Gen 2) technology to toll collection on expresswaysin Vietnam: Ha Long – Van Don, Cau Gie-Ninh Binh, Noi Bai – Lao Cai, Tao Xuyen and National roadNo.1 and National road No.14

Full items covering road side equipment, e-tags, control centre, banking transactions are included in CadPro solution.

The components of CadPro electronic toll system are integrated in a 3-layers model from the toll lanes to the station and operation centre. All the basic operation of opened toll collection activity is assured at the station level.

The system can be interstation connected to perform non-stop and closed toll collection.

The system uses automated monitoring technology, classification, vehicle identification, weigh in motion and visualization of fare.

The system is embedded with 5 modules:

  • Management software
  • Monitoring software
  • Fare collection software
  • Administration software
  • Post-audit software

Highlights of the system:

  • Based on the latest technology and standard of International ITS and simultaneously meet the standard of the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam.
  • Integrated with multiples of non-stop toll collection (ETC: electronic toll collection) according to international standards (DSRC 5,8GHz, IP-X), 1 stop toll collection using contactless smartcards (ISO 14443A / B, ISO15693, ISO18000), 1 stop toll collection with barcode (TCCS 01:2008 / VRA of Directorate for roads of Vietnam).
  • License plate recognition at the front and rear of vehicle.
  • High reliability, high speed and high durability and continuous operation 24/24h.
  • Composite cabin with eye-catching design, double layer of insulation and air conditioner to creating the best condition of working for employees.
  • Ensuring technology process and toll operation to maximize revenues, minimize losses and remain the largest traffic flow on road.
  • Highest efficacy of investment and maintenance costs.

Main features:       

  • Real-time display of passing vehicles via LPR and surveillance cameras.
  • Database access including vehicle search and filtering functions. Specific information of each recorded vehicle (e.g. time, lane, license plates, fares, weigh, speed, etc.)
  • Traffic statistics (e.g. flow, overloaded vehicles, classification, etc.)
  • Data export to Excel or PDF.
  • User accounts management, database management.


The toll station on Ha Long Van Don expressway officially put into operation on 7/2/2019

Ways to contactwith our technical support for more details:


Add: 11 Chau Long, Ba Dinh, Hanoi

Phone: (84) 24 37153714          Fax: (84) 24 37153550 

Website:         Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.